Dubai and other Emirates of UAE are attractive for different purposes, for instance, the business structuring and startup of various projects on this country’s territory.
A lot has been said about the Dubai’s advantages in various sections on our website. A significant number of companies with various business areas have already set up their business units in UAE. Such startups are usually done as:
- part of an existing business chain, transferring part of an existing business to the UAE territory for the optimization of tax and other expenses.
- as a separate unit within expansion of geography and spectrum of business activity.
Both cases necessitate determining the correct company’s structure, obtainment of various permits and agreements, knowledge of the specifics of corporate law in the country and so forth.
The project realization involves the handling of many other issues – choice of business premises, obtainment of permits for construction and industrial startup, product certification etc.
Project support also involves handling various bank matters, such as: ensuring a secure business workflow, its partial financing, using different banking tools e.g. L/C for a successful business, etc.
During the existence of our UAE office, our company has registered hundreds of companies with the very different business directions and has successfully resolved very different issues faced by our clients.
We have gathered a significant experience in supporting very different projects in UAE in different areas of business to different extend within the process of bringing projects to life.
Amongst those are various industrial projects, tourism companies and telecommunication services.
As mentioned above, the level of our support within the scope of projects’ realization is and has always been different, ranging from a basic one-off support in company’s registration, to a full support of projects at all stages and subsequent support and control at project’s implementation.