- News Archive 2014

News Archive 2014 | Page 2 of 12

The Most Reliable  and Secure offshore company

The Most Reliable and Secure offshore company

To date, it is no secret that registration of a company or business in specialized offshore jurisdictions helps to optimize tax payments, and therefore allows to get more income to develop own business. However, before choosing an offshore jurisdiction appropriate for your business, the possibilities and advantages of particular offshore zones shall be carefully considered...

Authors: Alliance Business Advisors November 2014Read more
Free Trade Zones in Dubai - a successful model, attracting international business

Free Trade Zones in Dubai - a successful model, attracting international business

Dubai, in fact, has recently become synonymous with the term of “Free Trade Zones“. Absolutely all Emirates of the UAE followed the path of Dubai setting up their own free trade zones as well...

Authors: Alliance Business Advisors November 2014Read more
Dubai, UAE - VAT - rate, regulation, refund, VAT certificate.

Dubai, UAE - VAT - rate, regulation, refund, VAT certificate.

In general, there is no VAT in Dubai - neither for companies, nor for individuals. Some time ago, the issue of possible introduction of VAT in Dubai with a rate of about 5% was covered in different press, but discussions thereof did not entail its introduction...

Authors: Alliance Business Advisors November 2014Read more
Management of  international commercial fleet - Dubai, the UAE - profitable and prestigious!

Management of international commercial fleet - Dubai, the UAE - profitable and prestigious!

Every year the volume of international cargo traffic is increasing all over the world. The share of international traffic is becoming an increasingly important segment...

Authors: Alliance Business Advisors November 2014Read more
FREE Zones effects on the UAE's Economic Progress

FREE Zones effects on the UAE's Economic Progress

Only quite a short time ago Dubai was a small place surrounded by  sand dunes. The introduction of free trade zones and the successful development if such became one of the core factors which changed Dubai to what it is now...

Authors: Alliance Business Advisors November 2014Read more